Alderman Guido van Vulpen
Alderman Finance & Operations, Health, Youth, WMO & Livelihoods, Diversity and Democratic Renewal
- Finance
- Welfare (preventive help and support), care and Public health (GGD, GGZ)
- Youth, youth care
- Security of livelihood
- Diversity
- Democratic renewal
- Real estate
- Staff & organization (P&O)
- Communication and information
- Information and automation, digitalisation, privacy and information security
- Public affairs, hospitable town hall
- 1st Deputy Mayor
Guido van Vulpen is a member of GroenLinks.
Speaking with the alderman
You can request a meeting with the alderman through his secretary: Ina Rou-Jansen. Call (0317) 49 28 24 or send an e-mail to