Underground containers de Nude
We place 18 underground residual waste containers in the Nude. The underground containers are much larger than the current residual waste containers. That is why containers are placed in fewer places. Some containers are for 2 or more flats. The containers will be placed from October 23, 2023.
Where will the underground containers be placed in De Nude?
- Thorbeckestraat near apartment numbers 50 to 80
- Thorbeckestraat near apartment numbers 82 to 282 (parking place of the Thorbeckeflat)
- Thorbeckestraat near apartment numbers 274 to 330
- Thorbeckestraat near apartment numbers 342 to 398
- Thorbeckestraat near apartment numbers 410 to 466
- Thorbeckestraat near apartment numbers 478 to 534
- Groen van Prinsterenstraat near apartment numbers 67 to 97
- Van Houtenstraat parking place
- Albardaweg, parking place of the Albardaflat
- Schaepmanstraat near apartment numbers De Sarvornin Lohmanstraat 1 to 79
- Schaepmanstraat near apartment numbers Abraham Kuyperstraat 1 to 79
- Schaepmanstraat near apartment numbers Cort van der Lindenstraat 1 to 79
- Schaepmanstraat near apartment numbers Treubstraat 1 to 79
- Schaepmanstraat near apartment numbers Troelstraweg 1 to 79
- Schaepmanstraat between apartments 1 to 31 and apartments 33 to 63
- Achterweg in place of the current containers
- Troelstraweg near apartment nummers 4 to 82
- Costerweg, near supermarket Hoogvliet, next to glass container

How do I open the underground containers for non-recyclable waste?
You can open the underground containers free of charge with your waste pass. You should have already received your waste pass by now. This is the same pass you use for the waste dump station. Later you will also receive a letter that explains the use of the waste pass.
You don’t have a waste pass?
If you do not have a waste pass, you can submit a one-time request for the waste pass free of charge at the ACV by stating “containers de Nude”. This will be possible for up to ultimately one month after the installation of the underground containers. After that, a new waste pass will cost €15.
Apply for a new card here(Externe link) or call ACV: (0318) 64 81 60.
When will the underground containers be placed in De Nude?
We plan to place the underground containers from 23 oktober 2023. Installing a container takes a few days. The contractor places the containers in turn. The containers at the Albarda flat and the Arc will be placed last (after November 7, 2023).
What happens to containers for recyclable waste at my apartment?
In most cases, the organic waste containers remain at their current location. Some organic waste containers will be moved to the underground containers. The paper containers are combined in some places. More containers will be placed for separating plastic and metal packaging and drink cartons (PMD).

How do I hand in bulky waste that does not fit in the underground container?
Take your bulky waste to the waste disposal station (Nudepark 77). Do not place bulky waste next to the underground container. You risk a fine.
Every household will receive 9 points each year. These points can be used for bringing waste to the waste collection station. Your visits are automatically recorded on your waste card. When you run out of points, you pay €10 per visit. You pay this amount on the spot with your pin code. You can also use your points for home collection of bulky waste.
Address waste collection station: Nudepark 77, Wageningen.
Open Monday to Friday 8.00 to 16.00 hours and Saturday from 9.00 to 16.00 hours.
Would you like to have bulky waste collected from your home?
You can also have bulky waste, pruning waste, metals and household appliances and electronics collected by ACV at home once every four weeks. Having them collected will cost you three points. You receive nine points per year for bulky waste collection and visits to the waste transfer station. You can make a bulky waste appointment via the ACV website. Please call (0318) 64 81 60, press 4 for English or send an e-mail to info@acv-groep.nl.
More information
More information about Waste and recycling www.wageningen.nl/english/waste-and-recycling. You can also call ACV (0318) 64 81 60, press 4 for English or send an e-mail to info@acv-groep.nl.